Domir's Twilight, Talus


New member
Domir’s Twilight, Talus (/way -3147, -1012)

People to contact: Darklighter14 (Noexxya, Kyraii, or Teejay in-game), Imperial Prime10 (Prima, Scoob’a, or Eta in-game), Belwar (Belwar, EZTrader, or EZTracker in-game), Mekunekud (Scath, Solas, or Yorel in-game)

Specialization and Rank: Improved Job Market (Level 5 Metropolis)

Amenities: Trainers, Mission Terminals (At the city hall), Parking Garage, Cantinas, Medical Center, and Cloning Facility

Alignment: Neutral/NR-leaning, though can be Imperial (RP optional but encouraged)

Building Style: Generic or Corellian

Incentives: New citizens can get a free small Corellian House.

Domir’s Twilight, Talus, is open to new residents. Please contact any of the folks mentioned above by Discord or in-game if you are interested in moving in.

Domir's Banner.png