Larger font mods and UI fixes


New member

Larger font mods and UI fixes​

At larger screen resolutions the UI text can be hard to see. A larger font mod can help but it introduces problems squeezing larger text into places that were not designed for it. This post aims to provide a fix for those problems, as well as other UI issues.

Timbabs larger font mod. Increases the min size of all text to 16pt.
Orbitron font replacement. A more square font in normal, 16pt, and 18pt sizes.
A Google Drive folder containing all the files shown below.
All screenshots are using the Orbitron 16pt no-bold font mod.

Email browser​

Changes the width and resizing behaviour of the table columns.

Examine window​

Increases the width of the /examine information pane by 50%.

Inventory window​

Increases the width of the inventory information pane by 50%.
Fixes the size and alignment of the Cash and Bank elements.

Message box​

Removes the flashing effect that occurs during crafting and mission browsing.

Stomach filling bars​

Fixes the alignment and resizing of the food and drink filler bars.

Radar coordinate boxes​

Increases box heights to better accommodate larger fonts.


Network Status Window​

Makes ping, fps, and packet loss info horizontal and more compact.
(see above image)

Targeting cursor​

This is the largest size that can be made.

UI window frames​

Removes the on-focus glow, outline frame, and transparent gap from UI windows.
Removes the visibility of the close button (but it still functions).
Changes the frame of the login box and back/next buttons.

--- Things that cannot be changed :​

1. The positioning and text of the /invite message box.
2. Adding number values to the stomach filling information.
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