
We’ve made a lot of changes and added tons of features to an Empire in Flames, many of which will be different from what you are familiar with from Live or SWGEmu. Below are some notable guides to help get you going and give more insight into what you’ll experience here on EiF.

New Player Guide and FAQ

Empire in Flames New Player Guide and FAQ

Start here! Provides a basic overview of what you need to know when you first step foot into an Empire in Flames.

Combat and Profession Guides

Getting to Know Melee Skill Trees in EiF

Friday Feature – Creature Handler Revamp

Friday Feature – Galactic Career Day 5/31/2019

Friday Feature 1/26/2018 – Base Busting EiF Style!

Combat in Empire in Flames, or How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Friday Feature 12/29/2017 – The Anatomy of an Invasion

Crafting Guides

Friday Feature! Powerups: Cornerstone of an Empire

EiF Armor Crafting 101

Content Guides

Axkva Min! An EiF Spin!

Items, Loot, and other Misc. Guides

Heroic Vendor Rewards

Friday Feature 2/2/2018 – Food and Drinks (released 2/16/2018)

Friday Feature 3/9/2018 : Emotions in EiF