Friday Feature: Homeshow Winner Interview – Sammies – June 2023

Following the announcement of our June 2023 Galactic Homeshow Winner we are excited to feature a look into our winner’s creative mind, and what has inspired them so far. Congratulations to Sammies for winning the June 2023 contest, and thank you to Jeil for putting together this interview and running the Galactic Homeshow!

Q: What is your in-game name, or Discord handle?

Sammies: Rayne (Sammies)

How long have you been playing on EIF?

S: About 4 years

What does your daily play session look like on EIF? Do you enjoy doing any dungeons in particular or GCW?

Decorating various places around the galaxy takes up a lot of my game time – which I enjoy!

What were the design goals for the house you submitted?

For my Bouncy Castle, I wanted a fairly realistic homey vibe. 

Were there any unique challenges you faced, and do you have any tips for aspiring decorators?

The countertops were a bit challenging! The best tip I’d like to give anyone that’s decorating, macros save so much time! I learned this quite a few years ago from Destroy.

Do you want people to know or see any particular aspect or part of your house?

Look closely at the desk & bookcases in the kitchen/computer space! Oh, and the fireplace downstairs in the bedroom! I’d love to have a bedroom like this. So peaceful. 

Where can players find this house?

This house is located in Halcyon, Taanab (/way 2016 6610), a city right outside of Pandath. Come for a visit!

Anything else you would like to add or say to the community?
May the Force Be With You. Always.



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