Introducing: EiF’s Galactic Homeshow!

Today, we announce the debut of EiF’s Galactic Homeshow! Thank you to Jeil for coordinating and facilitating the event! Read on to learn more:

We have recently marked EIF’s 6th year and soon SWG’s 20th. No doubt the lasting nature of the game comes down to the community and as such we now look to celebrate some of the player’s finest creations with the Galactic Home Show. Each month submissions will open for a period of 2 weeks and close for internal voting. We may draw additional community members in at random to add in their votes.

For our first event, June 2023, submission deadline will be June 16th. 

The person selected will receive a Friday Feature detailing their creation with a short interview and their in-game character will receive the Galactic Home Show winner badge. 

You can submit your builds to

Title your email in the following format:

Home Show Submission – Month Year – In-game Name

  • Example: Home Show Submission – June 2023 – Jeil Tain

Body of the e-mail should contain a waypoint with coordinate and planet information. Attach up to 10 screenshots. 



  1. One building per account, per submission period. 
  2. Must be PG-13 per our ToS.
  3. Limited to 10 screenshots per submission, prefer jpeg to reduce file sizes.
  4. Buildings must be set to public access.
  5. The building must be of your own design and doing. (No commissions, unless you were the builder of said project.)

We look forward to seeing what you create!


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