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It’s that time of year again – join us on Empire in Flames as we celebrate Boonta Eve! Mos Espa has had its fair share of tumult in recent times, but Mayor Mok Shaiz still seeks to preserve the Hutt Holiday and bring some stability to the people of the city. After receiving a call when you first log in, head on over to Mos Espa, Tatooine to participate in the festivities and complete daily quests to receive Boonta Coins that you can exchange for rewards. (article updated Dec 10, 2024)
Dates: Starts December 10th and runs until January 7th, 2024.
Speak to Mayor Mok Shaiz to learn of the different jobs and events you can take part in. You can earn one Boonta coin a day by selecting any of the three activities to complete, so pick a different one each day or return re-run your favorite. Once you amass enough coins, you can exchange them for limited-time event-only rewards!