Friday Feature 3/9/2018 : Emotions in EiF

I am really very excited about this week’s Friday Feature. It was compiled and editied by Agent Orange Juice (AOJ) (Jenniveve in game). If you aren’t aware, AOJ decorated several rooms on Jato, our space station. He is also an amazing artist who has created portraits for several of our community. AOJ… awesome work!

Sandarie, Community Manager

Emotes with Animations

Star Wars Galaxies features a wide variety of canned emotes, a full list of which can be found in-game under the “Social” tab of the “Commands & Abilities” window (Default Ctrl+A).

Each of these emotes has three variations:

  • A “standard” version that has no target,
  • a version that targets the player’s own character—done by typing “self” after the emote,
  • a “target” version that uses a specified target

The general rule of thumb is: if it’s another player, an NPC, or a non-deco animal, simply have it selected. If it’s anything else, you have to type the name of your intended target after the emote. For example: /hug DLT-20 or /laugh Armoire. %TT also works for this).

Most of these emotes trigger an animation when entered. Below is a list of which emotes animate and a rough description of the animation (as performed by a human character, though I think they may be more or less the same for other species). Some emotes have the same animation for all three variations, some only have an animation for one or two of the variations, and a few even have a completely different animation for each variation.

In the interest of keeping this list as short as possible (because it isn’t :P), it only lists emotes with an animation. If you don’t see the emote you’re looking for, then it probably doesn’t have an animation. Or I screwed up and missed it. But more likely the former.

Special thanks to “a durni” for being my target NPC. It led to many amusing chat log entries.

((Sandarie: I’m putting the entire list in this link here.  below is a small sampling. There are 756 emotes with animations)

[table id=4 /]

Verbs and Emotions

One of the main methods of communicating with other players is by having your character “speak” to another by typing your intended message into Spatial Chat. Simply type what you want to say and the game will automatically append “[Character name] says,” to your message in the chat log. If you want the log to show that you’re speaking to a specific person (or even thing), type >[target’s name] before the message. For example: >Jenniveve Hello! or >Armoire Why am I talking to furniture?

Now saying is nice, but what if you want to shout? Or ramble? Or even prophesize? You can do that with commands!

The following is a list of /commands that can be added before your message to modify what speech verb is displayed in the log, the chat bubble that appears above your character’s head, and in some cases the distance at which the speech can be “heard”. These can also be used with >[target name], just be sure to put the speech type first. For example: /shout >Jenniveve (Please don’t shout at her though. She’s sensitive).

(Sandarie: Just a sample of the list is below. Click here for the complete list.)

Commands marked with * use unique chat bubbles

[table id=6 /]

For added fun in a bun, these can also be combined with Moods, a list of which can be found in the “Commands & Abilities” window (Default Ctrl+A). To set the mood for a single line of dialogue, type /[mood name] before the message and it will set the mood for just that message. To set a character’s overall mood, either click on the mood in the Command Browser window, or type /mood [mood name]. Your character will then stay in this mood until you change it.

For example: If I simply want to say “Hello” in a happy manner, I’d type /happy Hello. If I want everything my character says and does to be sickeningly cheerful, I’d type /mood happy. When you’re finished being moody, use /mood none to return to the default state.

If you want to get really verbose and combine everything in one message, the proper syntax is: /[mood] /[say] >[target] [Message]. So: /angry /shout >Jenniveve Hey you! (Seriously, though. Don’t shout at her.)

But I will /shout out to Sandi and Takhomasak for supplying me with the information needed to make this list! 🙂

Agent Orange Juice

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