Friday Feature 1/12/2018 : A Chat with Sandarie

The staff has been really busy getting ready for the second GCW Invasion Live test. Instead of something new, fun, and exciting, you get to know more about your Community Manager.

Clearly Not Combat Princess!

EiF: Which versions of SWG did you play?

Sandarie: I can’t really say that I played the CU. I started SWG three weeks before the NGE hit. I never got a chance to do much except learn the tinest bit about creature handling.

EiF: If you played in the pre-CU live, approximately how long did you play in the pre-CU?

Sandarie: As noted above, I did not play the pre-CU. EiF is a crazy experience for me. All the nostalgia for the game I have loved more than any other MMO, but with a newness to it since it wasn’t the same familiar gameplay.

EiF: Which server did you play on?

Sandarie: I started on Narutis. Joined a guild, but a friend from Everquest found out I was playing SWG and talked me into creating a character on Starsider. That’s when Sandarie was born and I never looked back!

EiF: Which classes and which was your favorite?

Sandarie: I loved the roleplayer class the best! *eyes twinkle mischievously* I liked the love the Entertainers eventually got in the NGE and I was always a little sad to hear all the stories about how Entertainers were actually a benefit to other players back before the NGE. I played an Entertainer, a Doc, and I had a Domestic mostly to make clothing for my roleplaying!

EiF: How many accounts did you own/manage?

Sandarie: I had three at one time. I stopped playing the game for awhile and one of the accounts was taken over by a friend. So when I came back, I only have two accounts at the end of SWG.

EiF: What type of gameplay style do you most enjoy?

Sandarie: Roleplaying! I also enjoy PvE sometimes. I HATE PvP, unless it’s with a group of people. I will never again be talked into playing on a server of any kind where it’s set in an open world PvP environment. Way too stressful for me.

EiF: What’s a typical gaming session for you, what activities?

Sandarie: Wow, hard to have anything typical. It’s a lot reactive unless there is an event that I need to help run. I get a lot of /tells in game, in Discord, and on the social websites we are on.  I always hope to get in some roleplaying, though. I always check on my vendors, especially lately. Being a chef was a pretty slow business, even being the only one on the server most of our 8.5 months. However things are picking up

EiF: What do you most enjoy about SWG?

Sandarie: First, foremost, and always the people. The community. The sandbox provided by SWG, the a universe people are passionate about is incredible to me.

EiF: What do you enjoy most about Empire in Flames?

Sandarie: THE PEOPLE! *grins* are you sensing a pattern here? I feel very honored I’ve gotten to be a part of something so amazing twice in a lifetime. Not only with some of my dearest friends who have been in my life for over a decade, but now new friends are being added. Some are folks who were only “legends” to me back on live. The SWG/Starsider celebrities outside of the piloting community are now people I get to interact with and have as part of my EiF experience. How much of a blessing is that!

EiF: When you are not ingame, what do you enjoy doing?

Sandarie: I love to read. Sometimes I binge watch a television show. Since SWG Live died, I’ve gotten 4 grands added to my family. I really enjoy my job too.

EiF: What do you do outside of EiF / do for a living?

Sandarie: I am a corporate trainer for a very large business. I travel most weeks throughout the United States and spend a week on-site with clients. I love my job. I get asked a lot if I have favorite places I’ve visited. My VERY favorite visits have been when the travel allows me to meet friends and family. I’ve gotten to meet Halyn and Kelta, as well as Anishor. From a location perspective, it’s hard to say where my favorite place has been. I go to Washington, DC every chance I get. I was awestruck by Alaska and I can’t wait to take my family camping up in Maine near Bar Harbor. But if you ever get the chance, you must visit Niagara Falls and Mount Rushmore.

EiF: What is your role with EiF? What does that entail?

Sandarie: Some weeks, a lot of weeks actually, EiF has been getting more hours of my time than my regular job. And I’m not talking about playing the game. I’m the liaison between the community and the rest of the staff. I manage the Website and Forums along with BluePyros. I write or research most of the Friday Features and other posts. I make a lot of requests to the Devs on behalf of the community. I listen to community issues. I help coordinate server events and sometimes get to play an NPC in the EiF RP Campaign. I run the EiF RP Hub, Port Jato. I coordinate most of our social media outreach on about half a dozen sites…. *takes a deep breath* There is more, but this gives you a taste of the things the EiF CM does.

EiF: If you could have ANYTHING instantly in EiF, what would it be?

Sandarie: Female Nautolan!

EiF: If you could find out one thing about our EiF Community, what would it be?

Sandarie: What makes them happiest while playing EiF.

EiF: What gives you Developer’s Crack?

Sandarie: I’m not a developer. They won’t let me near the coding *broad grins* But when I hear how much someone love EiF and gushes about how amazing our community is… that touches my heart and gives me my CM crack.

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